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Thursday 27 October 2011

A Conversation Between "MySelves!"

I was feeling in the flow when I wrote my post yesterday, it felt good in more ways than one. Firstly, it was great just to get "stuff" down on paper and secondly it helped me feel more trusting and positive about life in general and the amazing power of our beautiful universe!
An interesting thing happened to me this morning however. Without knocking, in barged one of my saboteur voices, putting me down and making me question what the hell I was doing posting such trivial information on the internet for the whole world to see! The voice of the saboteur, a slimy gollum type creature, with sharp teeth & sallow skin had the following to say about my blog:
"It's not interesting, in fact it's boring! Where is it going to get you? What's the point! You'll only embarrass yourself and people will laugh at you! You are setting yourself up for failure and disappointment!"

On the otherhand the part of me who enjoyed writing the blog had the following retort:
"I find it interesting and it's fun writing about stuff that I like. I help Michele connect with her sense of aliveness as well as her spiritual side. I help her trust that everything is going to be ok and that it is safe to put herself "out there". What if writing this blog serves to help her feel more abundant and release any inner limitations regarding her capabilities? And what if just one person reads it and is able to benefit from it in some way!?"

It seems that my saboteur in the guise of gollum wants to keep me toeing the line, doing "normal" things and not drawing attention to myself, for fear of embarrassment and disappointment. I can see how he wants to keep me safe and is trying to serve me.

I do get where he is coming from. But the part of me which wants to say "what the hell, just go for it, it's not going to hurt you or anyone! You never know where it might lead" is much stronger these days. I suppose this comes from taking the plunge and leaving a long term career in teaching, moving abroad and starting a new business from scratch.

If I look back and think of all the risks I've taken I definitely don't regret them (although maybe I would have done some of them slightly differently). Stepping across the comfort zone line is always a challenge,  but one that I will keep doing in the knowledge of the feelings of expansion, growth & aliveness that result from taking those steps!

I would really like to recommend the work of John Kent from the UK. John is a trainer & facilitator in "Voice Dialogue". This is a fascinating and extremely beneficial technique which enables us to embrace and respect all the many selves that exist inside us. The great thing is that by not making any of these selves wrong, it helps us to gain balance and awareness in our lives. It has helped me enormously and is also a really fun process to experience. Here is the website link:

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