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Saturday, 28 January 2012

New Moon - How Are You Going to Use Its Power?

New Moon – How are you going to use its power?

A new moon has arrived this week!
Did you notice any changes in the people or animals around you, or even yourself?

In my household our two cats started to act more crazy than normal, jumping around from sofa to sofa & bopping poor Megan (dog) on the nose for absolutely no crime committed!
My husband decided we were good enough to be promoted into the advanced Salsa group (after a measly 5 sessions). Regardless of whether this was due to any lunar effect, it was a big mistake, but that is another story!

A new moon is said to represent magical new beginnings and a great time to set new goals or adapt existing ones.

What would be the one goal you would really like to achieve or make happen this year?
Is it a family holiday? Maybe you would like to sign up for a new course which would further your learning in a subject you are passionate about?
It could even be working on bringing a personal quality such as patience or compassion into your life more often?

There is great power in setting an intention and putting it “out there” into the universe. Once you make the commitment to the idea it usually happens that the resources, people and opportunities will come your way to help you manifest your desire.

What will be your intention?

One of mine will be to learn the moves from the advanced Salsa class by joining the intermediate sessions first and learning at my own pace!!

Something for me and hubby to aim for!!!

Saturday, 21 January 2012

What surprises you about your life now, compared to 10 years ago?

As they say life is full of surprises. 

What things have you done or achieved that 10 years ago you would never have imagined or thought you would do? What are your interests now compared to 10 years ago? Does any of this surprise you?

What are the positives you can take from this comparison?

I never thought for one moment I would be or would have:
Living in a foreign country 
Running my own business in a foreign country
A Yoga teacher
A Professional Life Coach
Reading spiritual literature like a sponge
Learning to salsa dance
Travelled to the USA and participated in an inspirational success retreat
Travelled on a plane on my own (big fear of mine!)

When I look back and think about these achievements, or interests I have developed it really helps me to feel encouraged and happy that I have tried new things. It also makes me realize that it has taken some courage to leave behind everything I knew and start afresh. As well it gives me hope and faith that I will continue to follow my dreams and do the things that I love to do. The thing that most surprises me is that I love to feel a spiritual connection with the universe (I don’t consider myself religious just to let you know) and through meditation, yoga and mindfulness I have much more hope and faith that everything is okay.

What positives can you gain from looking at where you are now compared to where you were 10 or more years ago? I would love to hear what surprises you!

Saturday, 7 January 2012

Bottle Your Good Feelings!

My friend Sarah completed the Versailles to Paris run this year. Well done Sarah (& Lexie & Ruth too!) She returned home feeling elated, on a high and with a real sense of achievement. Her excitement was infectious. It really made me think about how wonderful it is when we enjoy such moments of joy, aliveness and fulfillment in our lives.
In order to enjoy more good feeling moments like this, it is really helpful to connect physically with the feelings, as well as have an understanding of why those feelings are important to you.

In other words, bottle those feelings so you can use them as a reference and recreate them, in order to help attract more good feelings and moments into your life.

Let’s start with your bottle, what would it look like?
·      (This is just a bit of fun to help you connect to certain things you value in your life. Choose something that you can relate to, which represents something you love to have, do or be).

Would it be a champagne bottle signifying fizz, excitement & celebration?

Or maybe a hot water bottle because you love to be warm, cozy and wrapped up under the duvet?

Mine is a beautiful, ornate bottle full of bath oil. It represents my love of soaking in a hot bath with essential oils. Taking a bath allows me to completely chill out, to relax, and enjoy some “me time”. I don’t have to “do” anything but can just “be”.

Now, what to put in your bottle…..

If you could bottle your feelings what would they be?

Here are some questions to help you:

·      What events in your life have made you feel excited, proud, successful, happy (or other feelings that resonate with you)
·      What is it exactly about these events that were important to you?
·      If you could increase the occurrence of certain feelings in your life which ones would you choose? E.g. freedom, happiness, peace, tranquility, security, success.

Once you have decided on the feelings you would like to bottle and have more of in your life, do the following exercise which will help you connect to those good feelings and also bring them into your vibration, therefore making it much more likely that you will attract them again and again. This only needs to take a few seconds.

·      Recall the events or occasions you chose in answer to the question above. Briefly imagine yourself at the event.
·      Take a deep breath in and imagine all the good feelings, which represent that event filling your whole body.
·      You can also choose a word to say to yourself as you do this, which symbolizes all those good feelings.

I would love to hear about the feelings you would like to bottle! You can comment here or email me at michele@stressednomore.com